Eddie George Starring in Topdog/Underdog [Audio]


Former professional football player and Heisman trophy winner Eddie George came into the Lightning 100 studio to talk with Adam and Jayson about his lead role in the play, Topdog/Underdog, but not without some conversation regarding football, shoes, and insightful life advice. George said that learning the tough script required him to open emotional channels and allow himself to get lost in the story. Topdog/Underdog was written by Suzan-Lori Parks and debuted back in 2001. Since it has been performed on-Broadway, won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and featured American Rapper/Actor Mos Def in its cast. Topdog/Underdog tells the story of two brothers “Lincoln” (Eddie George) and “Booth” (Joel Diggs) and their trials of finding the right path while coexisting with each other. Playwright, Suzan-Lori Parks says, “The play speaks to who the world thinks you’re going to be, and how you struggle with that”. This is surely a concept George conveyed as he spoke with Adam and Jayson about how choosing the next move in your life requires heavy consideration of your passion and identity.

To hear more of Eddie George’s interview with Adam and Jayson and get the inside scoop about Eddie’s and Adam’s favorite Jordan’s, listen below!

Topdog/Underdog is a Nashville Repertory Theatre Production and will preview at TPAC February 7thand 8th. The Play will continue running February 9th-24th, with 13 performances in total. Be sure to follow the link below to get your tickets.
