BTRC On Air: December Spotlight and New Store Additions


Lightning 100 is excited to present Blind Tiger Record Club On Air every other Monday following the615. Starting at 8 pm, you will hear B.T.R.C. founder, David W. Williams, and Product Manager, Rudy Newman, discuss albums released on vinyl each month. BTRC champions music from all genres and believes vinyl is king. It’s a great way to be in-the-know about newly released music. Check out their records of the month, spotlight albums, new store additions, and more at

On this episode of the Blind Tiger Record Club On Air on Lightning 100 (100.1 FM WRLT, Nashville, TN), David W. Williams, Rudy Newman, and Kevin Lee discuss the B.T.R.C. December Spotlight Album and New Store Additions.

Our Spotlight album is a new release that we really are excited about, but it’s not part of our member’s Record of the Month Program. We pick one new release every month to “Spotlight”.  The other four to five albums discussed on this episode are newly added albums to the B.T.R.C. Record Store in the last thirty days.  All these albums are available for purchase at

Here are the albums included in this episode of the Blind Tiger Record Club On Air:

  • Spotlight Album – Foxing | Draw Down The Moon (Ltd. Ed. Hot Pink Vinyl)

New Store Additions

Susto Time In The Sun (Ltd. Ed. Orange Vinyl)

Richard AshcroftAcoustic Hymns Vol. 1 (Ltd. Ed. 2XLP, Turquoise Vinyl)

Courtney Barnett Things Take Time, Take Time (Ltd. Ed. Blue Vinyl)

U2Achtung Baby (Ltd. Ed. 180 Gram Vinyl, With Booklet, Poster, 30th Anniversary Edition)

Whether or not you are a member of Blind Tiger Record Club, the Blind Tiger Record Club On Air is a great way to get introduced to some new artists and discover some albums that you may not be familiar with.  All the music in our subscription program and that we discuss on this show are on vinyl and have been released or reissued in the last 30 – 60 days.  The show is designed to be a discovery platform for new music “on vinyl”, but even if you do not collect or listen to vinyl, it’s still a fun way to explore new music.

**Both the Blind Tiger Record Club Podcast and On Air are sponsored by 85 Supply.  Go to or email [email protected] to get started. For 5% off of your first order, simply mention “Blind Tiger Record Club” via email or over the phone with your rep. It’s that simple.

If you missed tonight’s episode, don’t worry! You can listen here or wherever you listen to podcasts. To sign up for the record club and receive vinyl shipped to your door each month, click here.