NAMM Day 2 took place on July 16, 2021 at the Music City Center and was just as electric and music-filled as Day 1! Lt. Dan got to talk with a wide variety of impressive and unique music enthusiasts, all who expressed their appreciation for the return of NAMM. The day was full of live broadcast interviews, music industry insights, and a few coffee spills here and there. Dan spoke with Third Man Records, Peavey Electronics, a NAMM speaker, ASI Audio, and Taylor Guitars. All in all, Lightning 100 is thankful for the chance to get to know and listen to all our guests. Learn about all things new in music equipment with our interview recordings below. Make sure to visit our guests’ websites to learn more about their contributions to the music industry!
Third Man Records, Dan Mancini; Paradise MIDI, Jen Gavin

Luitenant Dan started off NAMM Day 2 with Dan Mancini from Third Man Records and Jen Gavin from Paradise MIDI. Located on 7th Avenue South in Nashville, Third Man Records is a premier record store started by Jack White. NAMM attendes were beyond impressed with their interactive booth, which featured a guitar pedal setup, a playable lightning tower logo, and other MIDI controller gadgets. Jen teamed up with Third Man Hardware to build the MIDI installation, which are to be displayed in the storefront. Make sure to visit Third Man Records to learn more about and interact with their striking new gadgets!
General Manager of Peavey Electronics, Fred Poole

Fred Poole from Peavey Electronics stopped by the Lightning 100 booth to talk about his NAMM experience and what Peavey has been up to. Peavey Electronics is one of the largest makers and suppliers of instruments, amplifiers, and audio systems based in Meridian, Mississippi. Continuing to innovate the music and audio industry, Poole spoke about their new Vypyr Series, which is one amp made for electric, bass, and acoustic guitars. Fred went on to acknowledge the challenges faced by the music industry as a result from the pandemic, but there is hope and high demand coming in. Big thanks to Fred Poole for talking with us!
Owner of Music on the Hill, NAMM Speaker, Lindy Campbell

Dan got to speak with Lindy Campbell, owner of Music on the Hill in Washington, D.C., about her NAMM experience. Music on the Hill is a music store that provides music lessons, instrument repairs, music camps, and much more! On the conference stage, Campbell gave a talk on Gen Z: New Insights on Managing the Next-Generation Workforce, where she broke down managing Gen Z employees. She shared that Gen Z employees are willing and ready to work for loyal companies, all while being mission-driven. Being her 10th NAMM, Lindy expresses her admiration for NAMM Young Professionals and the music community as a whole. We hope to see Lindy at many more NAMMs to come!
VP Marketing and Sales for ASI Audio, Evan McKenzie

Evan McKenzie chatted with Dan at NAMM about ASI Audio, an in-ear monitor (IEM) audio company. Started by Dr. Michael Santucciuse, with Sensaphonics, he developed a 3DME IEM that utilizes an app to program what is being listening to. Evan informed listeners of the impressive clients that ASI works with ranging from Dave Matthews to Mary J. Blige to Radiohead! An intriguing and innovative company, we encourage you to check out ASI Audio.
Sales Manager for Taylor Guitars, Aaron Dablow

Dan wrapped up NAMM 2021 on-air interviews with Taylor Guitars. NAMM veteran, Aaron Dablow from Taylor Guitars was ecstatic to be back at Music City Center, talking about music and guitars in person again. Taylor Guitars is a California guitar manufacturer that specializes in acoustic guitars. Aaron expressed his thanks for people who, throughout the pandemic, learned to play guitars and looked to Taylor for all their needs. He went on to talk about the growth he has seen in NAMM over the years and the support Taylor Guitars feels towards the convention. We hope to see Aaron Dablow and Taylor Guitars at NAMM 2022!