Brews Summer Style 2022: Ep. 3 – Unibroue Megadeth Saison 13

Unibroue Megadeth

The next beer in our Brews Summer Style 2022 lineup comes to us from Canada, with a little help from Los Angeles-based rock band Megadeth. Unibroue – a brewery in Chambly, Quebec – crafted the Saison 13 with Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine. The beer contains notes of stone fruit and spices, and is comparable to an IPA with a 6.1 ABV. This ale is sweeter than it is bitter but still packs a punch – like a good rock and roll song. It pairs perfectly with that summer BBQ and will keep you cool as the Tennessee temps crank up.

The Saison 13 is the second beer in the partnership with Megadeth. The À Tout le Monde Ale is also available as the perfect companion for the Saison, clocking in at just 4.5 ABV.

Check in with your local fine beer retailer to see if they have the year-round Unibroue Saison 13 on their shelves! You can hear the full audio below:

We’ll be back tomorrow at 6:30 AM and 6:30 PM with the next installment of our Brews Summer Style 2022, presented by Rhizome Productions, Lipman Brothers and Lightning 100. Cheers!