The Commonheart — “Trying to Get Over”: Jayson’s DJ Pick of the Week


Jayson’s DJ Pick of the week is “Trying to Get Over” by The Commonheart! Featuring a classic soulful blues sound, The Commonheart plays to their strengths with this song. From meandering guitar solos to expansive vocal harmonies to hovering organs to biting brass, “Trying to Get Over” makes full use of The Commonheart’s expansive big band lineup. Magnetic frontman Clinton Clegg draws the listener in with a raspy, desperate vocal delivery that ties the expansive composition together. Together with a music video that portrays the band as a loosely formed collective of creative friends, The Commonheart comes across as a fun, approachable group that radiates positivity.

Although “Trying to Get Over” maintains a welcoming, positive tone, the lyrics tell a much deeper story. As Clegg grieves the loss of a seven year love, he reveals his intense personal struggle to find a path forward. While the lyrics may not directly reveal the path he chooses, the ambiance of the song makes obvious Clegg’s journey of “getting over” involved the band. As The Commonheart celebrates the ability of music to pull people out of a slump in life, the band invites the listener to share in their shared sense of purpose by walking with them on the mission to “get over,” whatever that may mean for each of us. Listen to “Trying to Get Over” by The Commonheart below!

Tune in to 100.1 FM or all week to hear “Trying to Get Over” by The Commonheart, Jayson’s DJ Pick of the Week. Share your thoughts on the track by tagging #L100DJPicks on Twitter.