Carolina Story – “Animal”: Local Artist of the Week


This week’s Frothy Monkey local artist is Carolina Story! The husband-and-wife duo manages to push new boundaries of Americana through their new album, Colors Of My Mind, releasing this Friday.

Carolina Story, comprised of Ben and Emily Roberts, was formed in 2009 after meeting and developing a relationship in college. The band became known for their powerfully atmospheric songs combining raw, honest emotion with realistic storytelling. Their debut album prompted a nationwide tour, slowly building an audience over the years. Since then the band has performed at the Grand Ol’ Opry, as well as earning well over a couple of million streams across streaming services. Currently, the band recently signed a deal with Soundly Music to market and distribute the release of their upcoming 2023 album.

“Animal” is a brooding, desperation-riddled cry for help that stemmed from an experience with alcohol addiction. Ben Roberts explains, “It starts the record off with the main character at their lowest, in a very dark place with very little hope, and from that point, they start to transform.” Roberts designed the album overall to feel like a dream state, with “Animal” setting the scene of the singer ‘sleepwalking’ through life. With the overarching theme of hope, the album closes out leaving the listener with the message that darkness doesn’t last. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and Carolina Story successfully illustrates this in their new album.

Tune in all week to hear “Animal” by Carolina Story! Local fans can catch them playing this Thursday evening at The Basement. Check out the Official Music Video on YouTube below:

Tune in to 100.1 FM and all week to hear “Animal” by Carolina Story, our Frothy Monkey Local Artist of the Week!