Middle Tennessee Raptor Center: Community Corner


For this episode of Community Corner we’re speaking with Valerie Russell the Founder and President of the Middle Tennessee Raptor Center. “Raptors” are birds of prey. This organization is dedicated to the conservation and preservation of raptors. Working as a full time hospice nurse, Russell pursues her passion for saving birds in her free time, devoting herself to the organization.

Rescuing birds from all over Tennessee, one of the main takeaways is to understand we need to give back to our wildlife since we’re inhabiting their natural environment. Lessening the use of rat poison, the leading killer of birds of prey, is one way you can help. DOnating to the organization will also help. Proceeds will go to food, shelter, and medical care for the birds. Starting out as a falconer, Valerie and her son got into raptor through that activity. With her background as a nurse, people began bringing her their injured birds. The Tennessee Wildlife Agency then reached out asking Valerie to be a rehabilitator, marking the start of the orgnization.

Listen to the full Community Corner episode below to learn more about Valerie Russell and the Middle Tennessee Raptor Center.

Visit middletnraptorcenter.org to donate and read more about the different programs they offer!