Daniel Nunnelee “Do You?” – Dan’s DJ Pick of the Week


Dan’s DJ Pick this week is “Do You?” by Daniel Nunnelee.

Local Nashville artist, Daniel Nunnelee is part of the new generation of the Southern sound. Many know him from his 2022 breakout single, “Pick and Choose”, which has amassed over 12 million streams.

Combining elements of Appalachian folk, cowboy country, and modern pop, this new single is a daydreamer’s anthem.

The track deals with themes of escapism, finding yourself, and relationships. Nunnelee repeatedly asks, almost begging, the other party to run away with him. He expresses his frustration and exhaustion with modernity, finding his routine mundane and dull. So, he resorts to saying outlandish things, such as “Sleep in jail for the night / Just to call so you can bail me out / And give me a hard time / Yeah, I know I sound crazy / But you asked me what I wanted to do tonight”.

“Do You?” feels like you’ve been transported into a coming-of-age movie, in the best way possible. Nunnlee’s raspy voice against distorted electric is paired with a melodic grand piano has a bittersweet quality to it. At the start of the song, it feels as if it could be a ballad, and yet, the percussion starts to build beneath the track, slowly pulling other instruments into its excitement.

This single is part of an upcoming project from Nunnelee, titled June, Baby out June 28.

Tune in to 100.1 FM or lightning100.com all day to hear “Do You?” by Daniel Nunnelee, Dan’s DJ Pick of the Week! Share your thoughts on the track by tagging #L100DJPicks on Twitter!