Intern Picks of the Week – Songs We Crashed Our Cars To


When you hear that someone has been in a car crash, there are two questions to ask. “Are you okay?” and “What song was playing?”. Somehow, the song playing always unintentionally embodies the feeling of the moment, often in a hilariously ironic way. Here at Lightning100, we condone safe and responsible driving. Still, accidents happen, and what better thing to do than write an article about it? Click it or tick it from your favorite interns ~

Zack’s Pick – The Ramones “Baby I Love You”

I still miss that Volkswagen Jetta. It was a normal Friday night in Franklin, Tennessee. I was driving to a friend’s house for a party and the drive down to his house by way of Hillsboro Pk is incredible. Windows down, music blasting, “Baby I Love You” came on. A weird song for the Ramones but that’s why I love it so much.

I was full-on committing to my Joey Ramone impression as I sped into downtown Franklin. A green light ahead, I began to sing the chorus with its triumphant strings and brass when a car from the opposite direction decided to turn across the intersection. Surely they’ll stop, right? They did not, and he hit me going about 45. My car had spun a couple of times and all the airbags went off. I remember getting out of the car, it smoking, and the song still playing on the radio.

I think the almost humorous impression that the Ramones are pulling of 50’s bobby-soxer band hits against their own discography has intense irony. The same kind of irony that hearing “Baby I Love You” while crawling across the pavement has.

Great song to break some ribs to.

Dylan’s Pick – Rage Against The Machine “Sleep Now In The Fire”

After years of no car crashes, I finally met my match this April. As I drove through my hometown jammin’ out to my new favorite band, things seemed calm despite listening to one of the angriest rock bands of the 90s. Zack De La Rocha screamed his ferocious lyrics until BOOM! Years of keeping my car in pristine condition were thrown out the window.

Before I could react to getting violently rear-ended, I panicked as I saw the driver run out of the car. Is he coming after me?! Wait, where is he going? Who’s chasing him…The cops are here?! It all happened so fast. I later learned that I had been caught in the middle of a chase between this man and the cops. Don’t forget, “Sleep Now In The Fire” is still playing full blast and is soundtracking the whole experience.

Looking back on it now, I wouldn’t have wanted any other song to be playing. I can’t listen to the song without thinking of that experience for better and for worse. It was a terrible moment, but the song has an extra layer of angst to it now since I associate it with that moment.

Syd’s Pick – Valley “There’s Still A Light In The House”

Guys, don’t get upset, but I am gonna throw a little twist in.

I have never been in a car crash, but when I was 16 I snuck out of my friend’s house, piled five people into a four-seater car, and drove three hours to a dirt bike tournament. Our friend Matt was throwing a “trailer party”. We got into town at midnight, last minute. I pulled over to figure out where the trailer was, and as I did I felt my car sink into mud.

We heaved and pushed, thought up stupid plans, and eventually landed on just gunning it. Pedal to the metal, dirt spewed back onto my friends, and the tail end of the car started thrashing side to side. Eventually, though, the 2013 Dodge Dart was freed.

The party was just … okay. We stayed up till 5:00 am, being obnoxious and doing the stupid things that teens do. On the way home, I was the only one awake.

“There’s Still A Light In The House” by Valley cinematically surfaced to my speakers. As the sun rose, I glanced over at my friends sleeping peacefully. I felt the fire in my chest, and I understood how much the moment meant. It was never about the party, it was about the people.

I knew we’d all graduate and split up, but I also knew that this was a moment I’d look back on for the rest of my life. Despite the car being caked in mud, it was full of life, hope, and love. We had so much ahead of us; and behind us. I listen back to the song with a bittersweet emotion. The passing of time can seem almost unbearable at moments, but I am beyond thankful that I can look back fondly. Although the group is distant now, there will always be a light in my house for them.

In memory of Matthew S. Blankenship. #127 forever.

Natalie’s Pick – Oasis “Wonderwall”

Theres nothing quite like a nervous sixteen-year-old driver to terrorize the streets of suburbia. With my freshly issued license and Nissan Versa Note, nothing could stop me. Or so I thought…

The best thing about having a car, besides my newfound independence, was the Bluetooth feature. Playing my favorite music from my own car was so exciting to me. At this time I was really enjoying a ‘90s Love Songs’ playlist on Spotify. I was on my way to work on an average February evening when disaster struck. I didn’t notice the upcoming red light and by the time I slammed on my breaks, it was too late. My tiny car crashed into the Cadillac in front of me. “Wonderwall” by Oasis was playing, thus earning the coveted spot in this article. Funny enough, the first thing I did after the crash was turn the volume off. 

The thing about crashing your car while such an iconic song is playing is that you will constantly be reminded of the accident. Whenever I hear that classic opening riff and “Today is gonna be the day /That they’re gonna throw it back to you” I’m suddenly a high schooler again in my tiny crumpled car, freaking out. 

Not to worry though, no one was hurt and now I have a great anecdote when “Wonderwall” comes on. I would like to personally thank the Gallagher brothers for making this 90s anthem which beautifully acted as the soundtrack for my car accident.