Maggie Rose “No One Gets Out Alive” – Dan’s DJ Pick of The Week


Dan’s DJ Pick of The Week is “No One Gets Out Alive” by local legend Maggie Rose!

How does an established, illustrious artist continue to build creatively upon what is already a powerful and defiant career? The answer lies in the anthemic “No One Gets Out Alive.” Decorated and eclectic star Maggie Rose has been melding genres and innovating her lanes of country and soul in Nashville for around 15 years now. With a lofty presence and a charismatic voice, Rose wasted no time getting started, defying country and pop clichés with her talents in genre-fusion and songwriting. In addition to her musical talents, Rose has been a champion for women, particularly women’s roles as powerhouses in the music industry. As a decorated musician and a prominent leader within the artistic mecca that is Nashville, Maggie Rose continues to be a must-hear with every new release. “No One Gets Out Alive” is her latest offering, the title track to her latest full-length album.

The gentle chords and ‘nothing truly matters’ imagery set the scene for an earnest ballad. Rose’s signature colors begin to shine through as the instrumentation begins to build. Beatle-esque guitars enter the fold along with a lush string section, hinting at a massive chorus. The song really unfolds in a magical way, with an instrumental bridge pushing the piece forth towards a grand crescendo. Still, Rose’s performance is intense and charismatic, sending home the message of living freely and without regret. The emotional climax of the song is something almost euphoric, rounding out what is perhaps one of Rose’s best offerings.

Rose’s Halloween Bash will take place at Eastside Bowl this October 31st. In the meantime, you can stream “No One Gets Out Alive” on her latest LP of the same name.

Tune in to 100.1 FM or all day to hear “No One Gets Out Alive” by Maggie Rose, Dan’s DJ Pick of the Week! Share your thoughts on the track by tagging #L100DJPicks on Twitter!