Zach Heckendorf – Up: DJ Pick of the Week


Rev’s DJ Pick of the Week!

Rev knocks the week out with Zach Heckendorf’s lively track “Up.” The tune has a very upbeat, ear catching beat. A great song to hear when having a socially distanced hang out with friends!

Heckendorf has been playing the guitar since age ten and wrote his own composition in the fourth grade. He is no new-by to the world of music, and considers Jack Johnson one of his biggest guitar playing influences.

Lyrically, Heckendorf attributes a variation of artists like Paul Simon and Jay-Z. He is inspired by their rhythm as well as the personal, moving lyrics.

Since quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Heckendorf has organized a socially distanced house show in his hometown of Denver, CO next Saturday, June 27th. If you happen to be in the area, all you have to do to attend is send him a DM on instagram!

Heckendorf has been releasing music for years now, and up is an EP for his new 2020 album, which will be released soon.

Tune into 100.1 FM or to hear “Up” by Zach Heckendorf featured as Rev. Keith’s DJ Pick of the Week. We want to hear your thoughts, too! Tweet at us with #L100DJPick to tell us if we should keep spinning the record.

written by Clara Lueckenhoff