Lera Lynn: Local Artist of the Week


This week’s local artist spotlight goes to Lera Lynn! Last week Lynn released her latest work, On My Own. It is a personal ten track album that opens with “Are You Listening”, which we’ll be playing all week!

Lera Lynn is based out of Nashville and makes indie music with hints of folk, roots, and americana. Her album, On My Own, was (as the title suggests) made entirely on her own. She wrote, produced, and recorded every single song by herself, as well as playing every instrument on each track. On the album Lynn says, “I think there is something special about a singular vision. That’s not to say there’s not something special about a shared vision, a collaborative vision. But I would be so thrilled to hear records made in isolation by my favorite artists, just to know what their uninfluenced vision of their music is. I guess I just wanted to hear what my imagination sounded like.” 

The album covers a wide range of human emotions. It is ultimately about the growth that occurs when you take control of your own life. In the opener, “Are You Listening”, Lera Lynn sings, “As a child I would dream of the bottom of the sea / If I swam deep enough, there was air to breathe” as she reconnects with childlike faith in possibility. “It’s taking control of your destiny and deciding how you’re going to interpret the things that are happening around you,” Lynn says.

Lera Lynn’s new music feels so personal and vulnerable. As she said, there is something so special about hearing music that comes straight from the mind of the artist. There is nothing and nobody else that interrupts it, it’s as authentic as you can get.

We’ll be playing “Are You Listening” throughout the week as we feature Lera Lynn as our Local Artist of the Week. Catch it live on-air at 100.1FM on your dial or streaming live at lightning100.com.