BTRC On Air: May 2021 Records of the Month


Lightning 100 is excited to present Blind Tiger Record Club On Air every other Monday following the615. Starting at 8 pm, you will hear B.T.R.C. founder, David W. Williams, and Product Manager, Rudy Newman, discuss albums released on vinyl each month. B.T.R.C. champions music from all genres and believes vinyl is king. It’s a great way to be in-the-know about new releases. Check out their records of the month, spotlight albums, new store additions, and more at

On this episode of the Blind Tiger Record Club On Air, David W. Williams and Rudy Newman discuss the B.T.R.C. May Records of the Month. There are four styles each month; Singer Songwriter, Rock & Alternative, Jazz Soul & Blues, and Classics. One album from each style is discussed and clips of songs from the album are played. It’s a great introduction to the artists and albums. All of these albums have been released in the last thirty days or will be releasing this month.

Singer Songwriter – Ryan Adams Wednesdays

2XLP ft. 7″ Red and Orange Special

Rock & Alternative – Manchester Orchestra | The Million Masks of God

Member Exclusive Limited Edition Light Blue Vinyl

Jazz Soul & Blues – Bastards of Soul | Spinnin’

Member Exclusive Vinyl

Classics – Train | Drops of Jupiter

Member Exclusive Limited Edition 150G Bronze Vinyl

If you missed tonight’s episode, don’t worry! You can listen here or wherever you listen to podcasts. Mark your calendars for May 17th to catch their May spotlight albums & new store additions, you don’t want to miss these music must-haves! To sign up for the record club and receive vinyl shipped to your door each month, click here.

“On Air” is proudly sponsored by World Vision! Go to and find out how you can be a part of COVID -19 relief in the U.S. and abroad.