Hi-Wire “Mosaic IPA” – Brews In Bloom 2021


We’re waking up this Tuesday and headed straight to the fridge for a cold can of Hi-Wire Mosaic IPA. A balanced IPA with citrusaromas, this one should be on your shopping list year-round. The Mosaic and Centennial Hops mellow out that bright fruity taste on the front end to create a really drinkable ale. Hops meet the tropics in this must-have-beer from the Asheville brewers we’ve all come to know and love.

Our very own Jayson Chalfant joined Matt Leff of Rhizome Productions to welcome Sarah Gulotta to talk about how this IPA was made and, of course, to give it a taste! We’ll be back tomorrow with another great springtime brew, but until then, check out the full video below. You can also catch our interviews live on the radio at 6:30am weekdays with a replay at 6:30pm. Cheers!