Palm Palm – “Cut the White”: DJ Pick of the Week

Palm Palm

“Cut the White” by Palm Palm is Dan’s DJ Pick of the Week! Palm Palm is a rock n’ roll band based in Richmond, Virginia. The group is the latest project by accomplished musician J. Roddy Walston. The membership of Palm Palm also includes Charlie Glenn of The Trillions and Southern Belles members Raphael Katchinoff and Andrew Carper. Palm Palm’s only recorded media is their debut EP, which they released independently in August of 2021.

Palm Palm’s music takes themes from old school rock music and uses it in a modern context. As such, “Cut the White” has a timeless sound, from the effects used on the guitars to the heavy drums and mixing style. The bass is more prominent in the mix of “Cut the White” than in popular songs today, being most audible in the higher range. Meanwhile, the vocals have a bit of force applied to each word, although they are not overly gritty.

“Cut the White” is one of two songs on Palm Palm’s self-titled debut EP. Palm Palm is available to stream on most services, as well as to purchase on their Bandcamp page. The band is currently on a tour across southern and western United States. Tickets for these shows, as well as a form to request a performance location, are available on their website. Otherwise, be sure to keep up with Palm Palm through their Facebook and Instagram pages, in addition to their website. Also, feel free to check out the official music video for “Cut the White” below!

Tune into 100.1 FM or to hear “Cut the White” by Palm Palm as Dan’s DJ Pick of the Week. Be sure to let us know your thoughts! Tweet at us with #L100DJPicks and share your take on the track.