Hi-Wire “Pink Lemonade Session Sour” – Brews In Bloom 2021


Nothing screams warm weather like a cold glass of lemonade, and Hi-Wire has encapsulated that nostalgic feeling perfectly in it’s Pink Lemonade Session Sour. It’s super crushable – perfect for hot summer days out on the lake. Brewed with summery ingredients like raspberry and lemon, it’s a top-notch refreshing mix of sweet and sour.

Jayson joined Matt Leff of Rhizome Productions in welcoming Hi-Wire’s Sarah Gulotta to talk about how this concoction was dreamed up and, of course, to give it a taste! We’ll be back tomorrow with another great springtime brew, but until then, check out the full video below. You can also catch our interviews live on the radio at 6:30am weekdays with a replay at 6:30pm. Cheers!