Holiday Hops 2021 Day 2: The Bruery – Just A Twist

Just a Twist
Just a Twist

Welcome back to another episode of Holiday Hops! On this lovely Tuesday, DJ Jayson and Rhizome Productions‘ Matt Leff sample a Belgian inspired beer from a California brewery that’s both fruity and refreshing.

The Bruery is a California brewery that has been newly introduced to the Nashville market. Today’s episode features their brew “Just a Twist,” which is a Belgian style wit. Belgian wits are Belgian wheat beer brewed with citrus and a variety of spices. Upon tasting, you get a blast of citrus flavor upfront followed by savory spices such as clove, coriander, and even fennel. Matt Leff describes “Just a Twist” as very refreshing and a brew that will wake up the palette. 

“Just a Twist” comes in four packs of 16 oz cans. It’s not a supermarket find, but finer beer retailers will definitely have it in stock. You may also see it on tap around town, so keep an eye out for it the next time you’re out. 

You can check out today’s episode of Holiday Hops on SoundCloud below. After you’re done, catch up on all things brews at thanks to Rhizome Productions and Lipman Brothers!

Looking for more suggestions? Look no further! Holiday Hops is happening now through December 17th. You can tune in right here at Lightning 100 Monday through Friday at 6:30 a.m. and again at 6:30 p.m. If you just can’t wait, you can also listen on demand at! Thanks for celebrating with us and Happy Holidays!