Hoptober 2021 Day 2: Rothaus-Brau Eiszapfle


We are back for day two of Hoptober with another international brew! On today’s episode, DJ Jayson is joined by Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff as they discuss an exclusive beer from Germany’s Rothaus-Brau brewery. Rothaus-Brau is in the German Black Forest outside of Munich, in Bavaria, and this is the first time they’ve entered the market in Nashville.

Rothaus-Brau introduces themselves to Nashville with today’s feature, Eiszapfle.This beer is Rothaus-Brau’s Märzen beer, which is brewed specifically for Oktoberfest. This style of beer tends to be sweeter, higher in ABV, and all the more reason to keep the Oktoberfest celebrations going!

Märzens are special because they begin brewing in March so the beer will be ready in time for Oktoberfest. It’s special to German culture, and we are so excited that it’s finally here in Nashville for you to try.

This beer is not one that you are going to find in your typical supermarket. To try it, you’ll need to check your local beer supplier. Eiszapfle can be purchased in either a 6-pack of bottles, or on draft. While supplies is limited, we are hoping to get a bit more variety as Rothaus-Brau gains popularity in the United States.

Get the full scoop in the episode linked below. After you’re done, catch up on all things brews at lightning100.com/hoptober thanks to Rhizome Productions and Lipman Brothers!

Looking for more suggestions? Visit Lightning 100 to listen to all previous episodes of Hoptober to see what you missed! Thanks for celebrating with us, and Happy Hoptober!