Operation Stand Down TN: Community Corner


For our Community Corner this week we are joined by Eden Murrie, CEO of Operation Stand Down TN, a veteran’s resource non-profit.

Operation Stand Down’s mission is to assist Veterans and their families to be self-sustaining and better connected to the community. They provide a wide range of supportive services for Veterans and their families throughout Tennessee at no cost to them. OSDTN’s focus is to “provide and connect Veterans with resources focused on transition, employment, housing, benefits, peer engagement, volunteerism and connection to the community.”  As the state’s only recognized Veterans Service Center, they equip and empower Veterans transitioning from military service to civilian life. The organization helps Veterans who have just out-processed, as well as those who completed their service years ago.

OSDTN holds annual events, such as their Nashville Hero’s Breakfast in November. One opportunity to take part in one of their events is coming up in early July. Operation Stand Down is hosting a Ruck March July 14th, called Music City Ruck March. These marches celebrate camaraderie and working as a team to accomplish a goal. Participants will carry a minimum 25 pound bag and complete a mile to two mile march. Participants are also given a bib containing the name of a fallen service member to ruck in honor and memory of. 

If you feel called to volunteer or simply learn more about the organization, check out their website here. Listen to the full Community Corner episode below to learn more about Operation Stand Down!