Tennessee Ornithological Society – Community Corner


Today we welcomed Cyndi Routledge and Pam Lasley, President and Treasurer of the Tennessee Ornithological Society.

The Tennessee Ornithological Society was founded in Nashville on October 7, 2015. In 1924, with the formation of the East Tennessee Ornithological Society in Knoxville, TOS began to diversify into separate chapters. TOS then became known as the Nashville Chapter of The Tennessee Ornithological Society (NTOS). NTOS encourages the continuing study of birds, maintains records of bird sightings, engages in educational activities, and promotes the protection of birds and bird habitat.

NTOS holds seasonal bird counts in the spring and fall. Other activities include monthly field trips, spring and fall migration Wednesday morning bird walks, assistance with bird banding research, educational outreach programing and bird conservation efforts. NTOS welcomes the participation of birders of all ages, interests, and backgrounds. To learn more and volunteer, visit NTOS’s website here. Listen to the full Community Corner episode below to hear more about the Tennessee Ornithological Society!