Walk Bike Nashville – Community Corner


This week’s Community Corner feature spotlights Walk Bike Nashville. Walk Bike Nashville president Chris Wineman joins Brother Love in the studio to discuss the Music City initiative aimed at increasing ease of transportation and making transit safer and more accessible for all. “We envision a Nashville where all people have the freedom and dignity and choice to move about the way they want using different modes on sidewalks, bikeways, even in the roadways,” states Weinman in an explanation of the organization’s mission.

As the city grows and transportation becomes an increasing challenge, WBN aims to lessen the reliance and motor vehicles. Weinman spoke in depth about the idea of a “multimodal commute plan.” One specific change to the current structure supported by WBN is signal improvement. However, the priority at the forefront of the organization’s values is safety. Of the top 50 cities in the United States, Nashville is one of 4 without dedicated funding for transportation development. WBN hopes to improve on that with support for the Transportation Improvement Plan. Other initiatives spearheaded by Walk Bike Nashville include increasing bike racks and options for storing bikes and rentable bike and scooter stations across the city.

Walk Bike Nashville hosts an annual Tour de Nash every May, with multiple rides of differing intensity. In addition, they offer special deals and major savings on transportation options with a membership subscription, which can be found on their website and their social media. They host a walking club each Thursday at 9am in addition to other events, membership and otherwise. Get involved with Walk Bike Nashville today, and follow the link below to learn more about the initiative.