Jeff “The Dude” Bridges interview


What a crazy day I just had! I interviewed Jeff Bridges today about his new movie Crazy Heart. He brought along his producer T-Bone Burnett and singer songwriter Ryan Bingham!

Last night I went with my producer from Music Business Radio Gary Kraen to see the movie premiere and we both really liked it. The music was amazing, the acting was terrific, and it was fun for me, knowing I would be interviewing Jeff and the gang the next day.

We also went to a private concert after the screening at the Country Music Hall Of Fame. That was so intimate and amazing. It was also my first proof that The Dude can really sing! During the movie, I wondered if it was just computers making him sound so good.

We were starving by the time we got to the concert and luckily there were lots of free munchies on hand. I ate about a dozen crab cakes! LOL!

The interview went pretty well today. I was a little (a lot) stressed about it going well. Luckily I had been to the premiere and seen the movie. I think that made a big difference. I was a little rough delivering some of my questions but overall it was good. T-Bone must not have been able to hear me well, because he was making the strangest face at me every time I spoke, which as you can imagine could be a little jarring. It was like he was saying to me, what the hell are you talking about kid? I really think (hope) he was just having difficulty hearing me, since he didn’t have headphones on.

They let us shoot video and it will be on soon. Ryan Bingham performed. I was hoping T-Bone and Jeff would as well but they did not. We were also the only station in the country that had all three of them in for an interview.

I posted some really cool pics on my facebook page. If we’re not friends there yet, please send me a request. I seem to do a better job getting new content there than here or anywhere else.

PS Hope you’re having a great new year!

Click here to listen to the interview