Trigger Hippy previews two songs from their new Record “Full Circle and Then Some”


Down at the station, we have Trigger Hippy playing a few songs for us. Today they’ll be sharing “Don’t Wanna Bring You Down” and “Strung Out On The Pain” from their new album Full Circle and Them Some set to release on October 11.

Trigger Hippy preview new songs from the upcoming album Full Circle and Then Some

Trigger Hippy chats with us down at the Lightning 100 studio

Trigger Hippy chats with us down at the Lightning 100 studio
Lt. Dan sat with them and broke down their process for this new record. Former Black Crowes drummer, Steve Gorman tells us that it was “truly a labor of love and a lot of fun, which is a rarity in this industry.” As excited as they all are for this album they explain that it’s been a long time coming, it’s been almost five years since Trigger Hippy has released a record, mostly due to the group’s busy schedules. Gorman has been busy working on his new book Hard to Handle: The Life and Death of the Black Crowes which is available for pre-order now and will be out on September 24. After their record release, they’ll be announcing tour dates for the new album. Check out the rest of the interview to hear Grosman’s take on Nashville sports teams and why he feels like an honorary Beatles member, and don’t forget to check out their new album Full Circle and Then Some coming out on October 11.

Written by: Geoffrey Paz