BTRC On Air: November 2020 Records of the Month


Lightning 100 is excited to present Blind Tiger Record Club On Air every other Monday following the615. Starting at 8 pm, you will hear B.T.R.C. founder, David W. Williams, and Product Manager, Rudy Newman, discuss albums released on vinyl each month. BTRC champions music from all genres and believes vinyl is king. It’s a great way to be in-the-know about newly released music. Check out their records of the month, spotlight albums, new store additions, and more at

This month’s records focus on their 4 core genres. The first style is the singer-songwriter album by Brothers Osborne titled Skeletons. The second style is the rock and alternative record by new artist, Beabadoobee titled Fake it FlowersThe third style is the jazz, soul, and blues album by Kelly Finnigan titled; A Joyful SoundThe last style for the record club this month is classic rock by nonother than Coldplay and their 20th-anniversary version of Parachutes.

Singer-Songwriter (Brothers Osborne – Skeletons)

This Nashville duo has been wildly successful in commercial country. They’re known for a great mix of country-rock hits on each album while fitting in several powerful ballads. This new heavily country-inspired record packs a heavy punch of classic rock and is their leap into the genre. These tracks are meant for a crazy classic rock style show, and we know Brothers Osborne is eagerly awaiting the day they can return to the stage.

Skeletons is the third album they have recorded with Grammy award-winning producer Jay Joyce. Jay even plays acoustic guitars, five-string banjo, and sings background vocals on this album; he truly is their honorary member of this band. His insane discography makes Joyce an unbelievable producer that has helped the band achieve their commercial-success. This new record is comes in a limited edition white vinyl for all BTRC subscribers. 

Rock & Alternative (Beabadoobee– Fake it Flowers)

London indie-rock up-and-comer, Bea Kristi or better known as Beabadoobee, released her debut record Fake it Flowers on October 16th. Before this release, she has been gaining a significant following in London for her four previous EP’s. Before this album was even released, she was nominated for the Rising Star award at the 2020 Brit awards. You may have even heard her songs, “She Plays Bass” and “Care” played here at the station!

Last year, she was set up for an incredible year of touring with The 1975. This would make the perfect roll out for her debut album, but when live music halted, her explosive release got put on hold. Despite this setback, she’s received insane exposure with Canadian rapper, Powfu. Earlier this year he released a new single, “Death Bed,” featuring Beabadoobee. This single went viral on TikTok and has been played 4.1 billion times just in March. Since this viral release, Beabadoobee has taken the world by storm and has millions of monthly listeners on spotify.

Fake it Flowers is full of 90’s nostalgia. Beabadoobee wants to live in a 90s world, and this album sets the stage for the nostalgic heyday of grunge rock. Mixing Alanis Morissette and Letters to Cleo, she creates a moody low-fi punk inspired record that critics have compared to Nirvana’s In Utero. 

Last year we watched Billie Elish rise to fame over the previous year, and Beabadoobee might follow this wave of Gen Z superstars. Be sure to grab this record while BTRC still has it. Fake it Flowers is available in an extremely rare white and orange vinyl for their members.

Jazz Soul & Blues- (Kelly Finnigan-Joyful Sound.)

On November 27, 2020, Kelly Finnigan will release his second full-length album and first Christmas record. Finnigan has an outstanding voice and is one of the players responsible for this wave of soul revival happening right before our eyes. Even though BTRC doesn’t usually feature Christmas albums, they had to make an exception- this record is far more than a holiday album. Joyful Sound can be played all-year-round and sounds like it was made in height of the soul movement. 

Finnigan is an amazing musician who writes, produces, and records his own albums. Even though this is a themed album, please don’t pass it up; it is so stunningly raw and puts a new spin on traditional holiday songs.

Finnigan says, “I want people to feel joy and hope in a special time of the year, while also acknowledging it can be a difficult time for others. I want this to be a soundtrack for those celebrating, but also for those who are having a hard time this year.”

BTRC has this record in a limited edition green vinyl up for grabs along with Finnigan’s debut album for purchase here

Classic Rock –(Coldplay- Parachutes)

On July 10, 2000, Coldplay burst on the scene with their debut, Parachutes. This record charted all over the world, certified two times platinum and nine times platinum in the UK. Parachutes was the start of their worldwide domination as a rock band. “Yellow” was the first single released in the U.S and topped all charts worldwide, including a spot as #2 on the Billboard 200. This single really secured a spot for Coldplay as one of the world’s most successful bands. This record was produced by Ken Nelson who had also produced two albums by British rock group Gomez, after this project he produced two more Coldplay records.  

Parachutes was all that matters in the world to lead singer Chris Martin. When listening to this record, you can instantly tell that Martin put everything he had into making this project. This album is also famous for making Martin’s voice so popular, his stunning voice is clearly the standout of this wildly successful record. This album is an absolute career-maker for Coldplay, since then they have received over 28 Grammy nominations, released 8 more albums, and have gone on to sell more than 100 million albums worldwide making them one of the top-selling artists of all time. 

Be sure to get this record in a limited edition yellow, and find other Coldplay albums here

Don’t forget to keep up with the Blind Tiger podcast to hear exclusive LP interviews. As the holidays are approaching be sure to keep up with BTRC for sales and exclusives! This record membership would be a perfect Christmas treat for the vinyl lover in your life!