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The615 is Nashville’s local independent show featuring unsigned artist that call Nashville, Tennessee home.

the615 6/30/14

the615 6.30.14 "Exploring Nashville's Indie Scene" Episode 105 Local Artist of The Week Lauren Farrah- Whittle You Down DJ Picks Hammel- Hotpipes- For Cowboy Lt. Dan- Self- Runaway- Super...

the615 07/14/14

Episode106. the615 07/14/14 Local Artist of the week Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes - Phantoms - Kid Tiger ( Playin' Live Friday 7/18/14 at Pourhouse...

the615 06/30/14

Episode104. the615 06/30/14 %CODE2% Dj Picks Hammel - Trent Rice - Hickory Hollow - Hickory Hollow Wells - The Cold Stares - Fire In The Sand This Just In The...

the615 06/23/14

Episode103. the615 06/23/14 %CODE2% Local Artist of the week Afterlife Parade- Conquer It All Dj Picks Hammel - Peyton Parker & Jon Latham - The Braver Man Wells - That’s...

the615 6/16/14 Post Bonnaroo Special

Episode102. the615 0616/14 Post Bonnaroo Special %CODE2%  Local Artist of the week- Justin Klump- The Night Is Young - The Night Is Young  Local Bands that killed at...

the615 06/9/14 Episode 100.1 Celebration!

Episode100.1. the615 06/9/14 100.1 Celebration FREE show at Marathon Music Works sponsored by SouthlandSE %CODE1% The Weeks - Brother In The Night- Gutter Gaunt Gangster Leagues - Spotlight...

the615 6/2/14

Episode 100. the615 06/2/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- Elise Davis - Almost A Woman- Life EP Dj Picks Hammel - Matt Moody - You Would Stay -...

Best of the615 Memorial Day Special 5/26/14

Episode99. the615 05/26/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week-Playing Pour House Nashville 05/30/14 Oliver And The Spectacles - Hit The Ground Running Best of the615 Memorial Day Special Peyton...

the615 05/19/14

Episode98. the615 05/19/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- Playing Pour House Nashville 05/23/13 All Them Witches - Charles William Dj Picks Hammel - Pale Houses - Wayward Sire Wells...

the615 05/12/14

Episode97. the615 05/12/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week Kiernan McMullan - Can’t Sit Still Dj Picks Hammel - Kyle Andrews - Great Big Life - One Plus One...

the615 5.5.14

Episode96. the615 05/05/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- Playing Soulshine 05/09/13 at 7pm Benjy Davis - Here I Go- Benjy Davis The Weeks World Debut- Buttons -...

the615 04/28/14

Episode95. the615 04/28/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- Playing Soulshine 05/02/13 Shane Piasecki - Feels Alright- Set You Free (Out tomorow 4/29/14) Dj Picks Hammel - Easton Stagger...

the615 04/21/14

Episode94. the615 04/21/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- Playing Soulshine 04/25/13 Aj & the Jiggawatts - Get Wild - Aj & The Jiggawatts Dj Picks Hammel - Matthew...

the615 04/14/14

Episode93. the615 04/14/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- “Brought to you by CollegeBookRenter.com Rent the book own the knowledge”- Playing Soulshine 04/18/13 Dean Fields - More...

the615 4/7/14

Episode92. the615 04/7/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- Playing Soulshine Friday 4/11/13 at 7pm Justin Forrest - City Life - Chapters Dj Picks Hammel - All Them Witches...

the615 03/31/14

Episode91. the615 03/31/14 Local Artist of the week- “Brought to you by CollegeBookRenter.com Rent the book own the knowledge”- Playing Soulshine 03/28/13 Forlorn Strangers - While...

the615 03/24/14

Episode90. the615 03/24/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- Brought to you by CollegeBookRenter.com Kate Tucker & The Sons Of Sweden- Blue Hotel- The Shape The Color...

the615 03/17/14

Episode89. the615 03/17/14 %CODE1% Local Artist of the week- (“Brought to you by CollegeBookRenter.com Rent the book own the knowledge”- Playing Soulshine 01/28/13) Jillian Edwards- Daydream-(Playin’ live...

the615 3/10/14 Music City Mayhem Selection Show 2014

Lightning 100 Presents the 6th annual Music City Mayhem! The on air competition begins Monday 3/17/14 at 9am. 32 artists will participate in this...