Dan’s Year In Review

Lt. Dan here, these are my top ten favorite records from 2018 that were made by folks who call Nashville home: Kacey Musgraves - Golden HourJohn Prine - The Tree of ForgivenessLiz Cooper & The Stampede - Window FlowersRayland Baxter...

Emily’s Year In Review

Social media gal and Lightning blogger Emily here taking some time to obsess over my favorite music from this year. As I reflect on 2018, I realize it has been five years long and...

Best Music of 2018 (100-1)

Lightning 100 continues our best of countdown(or countup)! Did you catch our 200-101 list? Click here to view the first half of our best of 2018. It's been a great year...

Best Music of 2018 (200-101)

This is Lightning 100's Top 200 Countdown. Join us as we count up to the number one song of 2018! It's been a great year for music in Nashville. Our Best of list...

Ana Lee’s Year In Review

Ana Lee here with a bunch of music I loved in 2018! We keep it kind of loose around here at Lightning 100 as far as what we list, how many we list, etc...With...

Jayson’s Year In Review

It’s been one heck of a year, so I’ve taken the time to reflect on my favorite shows, records answers songs of 2018: Shows:5. August 30 @ #LOTG2018 I mean, C'mon: Dr. Dog, The Wild Feathers, Rival Sons, The...

Steph’s Year In Review

Production Manager Stephanie here with my top 10 albums of 2018! I always love looking back at the albums that really stuck with me the whole year through. Caroline Rose and Rainbow Kitten Surprise...

Casey’s Shows to See In January 2018

We get it…it’s a cold and gray January. But why stay home thinking about it when you can escape "post holiday blahs" by seeing some of the cool coming to Nashville this month! Here...

Brian’s 2017 Top 10 Albums

Brian The Web Guy narrowed down his top ten albums of 2017! Check out the full list below and let us know what you think! Childish Gambino - Awaken, My Love! (I know this technically came...

2017 Top 200 Countdown: 1 – 100

We're counting down our favorite songs we played in 2017! Check out numbers 1 through 100 below! Tune in all day December 31 and January 1 to hear the complete list! 100. Muddy Magnolias -...

Emily’s 2017 Top 10 Albums

Social media gal Emily pulled together her top ten albums of 2017 (with a few honorable mentions as well because how can you really narrow it down to ten?) Emily's highlights of 2017 included meeting...

Adam’s 2017 Top 5 Albums

Our in-house front man, King of Dance and morning show DJ THE Adam Culver enjoyed a ton of music this year, but he's somehow managed to narrow it down to his favorite five albums...

2017 Top 200 Countdown: 101 – 200

We're counting down our favorite songs we played in 2017! Check out numbers 101 through 200 below! Tune in all day Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 to hear the complete list! 200. Mondo Cozmo -...

Steph’s 2017 Top 10 Albums

Our production engineer and microphone magician Steph Lesher gathered a list of her favorite albums from 2017. This year not only brought Steph some great tunes, but also a new home and new hobbies...