One of our favorite things about Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival is the chance to chat with some of our favorite artists backstage. We spoke with Nashville based artist, Adia Victoria shortly after her set at the fest. Victoria talks about life on the road during her year-long tour and how, by switching to a flip phone, she was able to fit more creative time into her busy schedule. Even though her second studio album, Silences, came out this year, she is already back in the studio for round three.

Next up, Lt. Dan spoke with Caroline Rose about her new self-produced and recorded album. She explains that she transformed her home into a studio to make the new record that she describes as her pride and joy.

Another local artist, Chip Greene, is here with Casey. They talk about the unique way that his last album In My Town was recorded and their shared love for the classic Hammond B3 Organ, which was featured both in his album and his Pilgrimage set.