Whoa Dakota – Patterns


Local artist of the week Whoa Dakota (Jessica Ott) makes a studied transition from her blues-based beginnings to lush indie pop with “Patterns,” the first single off her debut LP of the same name.

Born in Little Rock, AR to a state champion bull rider and a wild child mother, Ott was raised part time on a cattle farm, and part time in the city. The dichotomy of her upbringing is apparent in her sound. The importance of roots and how they shape us is woven throughout her music and visuals. In the prelude to the forthcoming “Toe to Toe,” Ott listens to the story of how her Nanny, Hattie Jo., finally made the decision to leave her alcoholic husband, emphasizing that our patterns of remaining in toxic relationships can sometimes be learned, but so can the power we uncover when we make the difficult decision to leave them behind.

Listen to “Patterns” below and all week long on Lightning 100. Don’t miss her free set this Friday at Soulshine Pizza Factory!