Kate Tucker: Local Artist of the Week

Kate Tucker

These days we’re all hungry for a pick-me-up, and Kate Tucker has just the fix in her new single “A Little Bit of Love.” While a lot of us (looking at myself in the mirror) spend unwarranted time trying to make our thoughts sound more profound, meaningful conversations are often simpler than we want to admit. It’s why the simple hook “a little bit of love goes a long, long way” has been lodged in my head for the better part of a week. In a time when we’re all scrambling for unattainable wisdom, Kate doesn’t pretend to have the answers to everything, and nothing could be more refreshing.

Opting for a simple bouncing guitar and synth riff rather than lush chords, this track feels like a nod to an early 2000’s Sheryl Crow. It also bears a resemblance to another station favorite, Jenny Lewis – and the crossroads between those two icons is not a bad place to be! Tucker continues the fascinating trend of blurring the line between analog and electronic music, most notably with the use of the drum machine. The result is a song that retains its warmth while making you want to get up and dance.

This song has me anxious to hear the full-length record, due out in 2021. It’s going to be a big year for Tucker, who will also make her directing debut for the documentary, Comeback Evolution, depicting the life and career of artist Walter Delbridge.

Tune in all week long to hear Kate Tucker featured as our Local Artist of the Week at 100.1FM or streaming live at lightning100.com. The Local Artist of the Week is powered (caffeinated) by Frothy Monkey – treat your self to a cup today!