Roots of a Rebellion – Fixman



After winning Lightning 100’s Music City Mayhem contest in 2012, Roots of a Rebellion took the stage at Live on the Green. In the last year and a half, the reggae rock band has continued to make progressive steps in their careers and in building up their community.

In addition to their “Inner Light” EP they’ve released a Summer Sampler 2013, including 17 songs that radiate with their continual sunshine. Austin Smith’s passion for creating messages and not just lyrics, movements and not just albums shines through as he said, “We wanted them [audiences] to pay us whatever… because at this stage in the game it is more important that our music and message is getting across.”

“What I’ve come to discover is that I get lost in all kinds of music all year round…but reggae is the one and only type of music that no matter what, every time, makes me feel at ease and allows me to quiet my mind, slow down, and enjoy the moment for what it is.”

“The song ‘Fixman’ means a lot to us as a band and it is one that I personally think exemplifies the message of Roots of a Rebellion which is—only you can fix you, only you can make you happy. Think for yourself. We are all going through something, and it’s up to each of us to “walk through our pain on our own” –Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers.”

With the growth of the band has also come much change. “Dear friend and founding bass player” Alec Newnam parted ways with the band to pursue graduate school. Adam Quellhorst, another long time friend, was then introduced to ROAR as bassist. Amidst the tumult, things kept falling into place as the group prepped for their next big move as their lead guitarist returned home from spending the Spring in California.

“The summer of 2013 found a brand new band of brothers united for the sole purpose of making music… When the band started, I [Austin] was the main singer and songwriter, but now everyone in the band has songs they’ve written and a voice to bring to the table, which makes for some serious experimentation and self-discovery as a band!”

“Before LOTG, we were very fortunate to have a super strong group of friends and followers from Belmont, but since LOTG we have seen such a wide variety of folks receive our music very well! All ages, colors, sizes, and types of people have expressed their appreciation for what we are doing and it is an enormous blessing!”

The Roots Crew

ROAR is not just a band, it’s the start of a movement. Each member has played volunteer shows for Hands on Nashville with still-dirty hands from planting trees and cleaning up local Nashville schools. While they could easily pull the artist-card and focus only on their music, they have given of themselves individually and as a family to bless others in any way that they can.

They’re not stopping there, however. They’re recruiting fans and friends to get in on the action, too. Stay up to date with their latest efforts and get involved at the Root’s Crew house.

“This past fall we started hosting ‘Medicine Wednesdays,’ a time every week where we’d come together and play our music in the hopes of spreading the healing power of music. This idea was inspired by one of our favorite bands named THUNDERBODY from Rochester, NY. This lead to meeting some truly inspiring individuals, who received our music and message of love and growth with open arms, minds, and hearts.”

“We are now, more than ever, a serious tribe of brothers and sisters, working to promote the healing power of music and it’s ability to unite like-minded individuals striving for strong, local communities thriving by staying positive and making the best music we can, all thanks to the Grace of God.”


Kaitlyn Crocker
Brian "the web guy" is a Nashville native that grew up on radio and Grimey's New and Preloved Music. Seasoned communications professional that has immersed himself in the Nashville community while connecting local musicians, businesses, non-profits, unicorns, and transplants. Starting in 2008, Brian has worked with programming, marketing, sales, and promotion. Roles have included but not limited to copywriting, digital sales, content creation, sponsorship, video production, graphic design, booking, event creation, social media posting, and targeted ad purchasing.