Since their 2010 release of the Control EP – followed by singles White Light (2011), Rebel Hill (2012) and latest Smooth (2013) – they have garnered much attention from Nashville and fans beyond. Grayson hasn’t found his favorite track on the album yet but he said he knows it will happen once they begin playing it live.
“I am really proud of the entire record though, front to back. There’s a lot of heart and soul laid out pretty clearly. It goes through loss, avoidance, and acceptance, in a lot of different forms. We’re trying to get it out as soon as possible.” – Grayson
So, with much anticipation we wait to bath in the pool where Vinyl Thief’s distinct sounds and creativity have collected. In the meantime, Lightning 100 has helped us to revel in older tracks, especially as they gave the featured artist of the week extra air time and made plenty of “Smooth” picks for local audiences.
“Lightning 100 is no doubt one of the biggest influences on Nashville’s music culture. If you look at how big the crowds were at Live on the Green this year, there’s no doubt about that. High five on that one Lightning!” – Grayson
There’s also no doubt that Nashville is loving these guys for what they’ve made together, but each member of the band brings a unique something that makes the whole thing work. To say the least, Vinyl Thief is one energetic, diverse compilation of kindred spirits.
Grayson – Singin’, dancin’, and synthesizin – “I grew up in Texas. I wasn’t country enough for Texas, so I moved to Nashvillle… smart thinking. My mom and I shared a love for anyone with a serious voice and a serious attitude: Steven Tyler, Celine Dion, Michael Jackson, and the like. She had Toys In The Attic by Aerosmith on vinyl, but we didn’t have a record player because it was the 90′s and that wasn’t cool anymore/yet. But I had it in my room and would listen to the tape while looking at the record.”
Logan – guitars – “I grew up going to see KISS with my dad one month, and then seeing U2 the next. If that doesn’t make you want to be a musician, who knows what will. I would listen to records on repeat, while reading a book about the record I was listening to.”