Music Business Radio: CLLD


On this episode of Music Business Radio, we talk with Chris Lisle andĀ Erik Parker, two of the unsung heroes of some of your favorite live shows. Lisle and Parker make up CLLD, a concert production design company putting together the lighting, set, and video for acts like Robert Plant, Jason Aldean and Peter Frampton, as well as events like Lollapalooza and the NFL Draft. They also founded the Touring Career Workshop, a free event to serve and educate the touring music industry.

Lisle and Parker use their work with Alice Cooper as a case study for some of their biggest design projects and talk about life on the road, lighting your show on a budget and the effects tour can have on mental health.

The 2019 Touring Career Workshop is coming up Wednesday, November 6 at the Soundcheck Annex Building in Nashville. There will be educational sessions on navigating the touring life, health insurance options for touring professionals, their All Access mental health program, and much more. This event is free but participants are encouraged to register ahead of time.