Blood Orange – Best To You


I’m Adam and it’s my special day! Check out the new Blood Orange track “Best To You.”  I love when the drums kick in. ‪#‎L100DJPicks‬

Devante Hynes’s solo effort Blood Orange has exposed the artist’s motif, melding fluidly with his wide variant of sounds and styles, ranging from soul to ’80s pop. Freetown Sound (released July 1) is Hynes’s third, complete album, combining R&B themes with silky smooth electronic rhythms and soul/disco highlights. “Best To You” features another frontrunner in the indie pop circle:Empress Of. Hailing from London, England, Hynes is currently based in New York City.

A favorite of ours at Bonnaroo this summer, Blood Orange has unfortunately not scheduled any upcoming shows in the area.  Listen here to my DJ pick of the week “Best To You” and tell us what you think.