Cherry Flavoured – The Neighbourhood: DJ Pick of the Week

The Neighbourhood Press Photo

Stephanie’s DJ Pick of the Week!

The Neighbourhood blew up with their hit song “Sweater Weather” from their 2013 debut LP I Love You. Since then, the California-based band has released three full-length albums. Now they’ve hit us with a new EP titled Pretty Boy, which features Stephanie’s DJ Pick of the Week!

“Cherry Flavoured” is a slow and soothing track. The song features a simple drum beat, steady acoustic and electric guitars, and falsetto backup vocals. The primary focus rests on Rutherford’s warm vocals and the song’s captivating and somewhat dark lyrics.

In a conversation with mxdwn, leader singer Jesse Rutherford spoke of the song’s title. Rutherford said, “‘Cherry Flavoured Conversations’ means exactly what it sounds like. It’s something that seems really good and sweet when you’re talking about it, but it may not be possibly in reality.” The song is seemingly sweet with a dark edge, just like the track’s title.

Right before the EP’s release, The Neighbourhood completely rebranded as Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones. In a conversation with Interview Magazine, Rutherford shared that Chip, pictured in the EP cover above, is heavily inspired by David Bowie’s iconic persona, Ziggy Stardust. The Neighbourhood is clearly unafraid to change things up, so we sure can’t wait to hear the new album, out September 25th!

The Neighbourhood released the animated music video for “Cherry Flavoured” in late July. The video takes Rutherford’s character on an extraterrestrial journey that leads him back into the heart of Los Angeles. Check out the creative and colorful spectacle below!

Tune into 100.1 FM or to hear The Neighbourhood’s song “Cherry Flavoured”, featured as Stephanie’s DJ Pick of the Week. And be sure to let us know what you think! Tweet at us with #L100DJPick and share your thoughts on the song.