Shaken by David Shaw – DJ Pick of the Week

David Shaw Press Photo by: Alysse Gafkjen
David Shaw Press Photo by: Alysse Gafkjen

Rev’s DJ Pick of the Week! 

Today’s DJ pick comes from Revivalist frontman, David Shaw. Shaw has released two new singles, “Promise Land” and the DJ pick of the day, “Shaken”. These new singles are off of his debut solo album that will come out in 2021. “Shaken” is a danceable tune that carries a heavy message. Shaw’s signature smooth vocals are accompanied by an upbeat melody that’s hard to forget. This song is, “a message of confronting fears and insecurities, learning to listen to and follow the things that make you fulfilled and happy, trusting in the path you are on, and embracing the unique things that you have to offer as an individual”, said Shaw. 

The video for this single portrays Shaw face bullying at a young age. Even if you haven’t experienced this personally, this video makes your heartache. Don’t worry though, he gets his groove back in the middle of the video with some insane dance moves. This video makes you feel empowered and even to get up and shake it off as he did. Shaw even took to Instagram to challenge his followers to dance like him in his new single with the #ShakenDanceChallenge.

“I was going through some tough times, and ‘Shaken’ came out when I first sat down to write a song knowing I was writing for just me this time which was a strange and different sort of feeling”, said Shaw in a recent press release. “At first, writing this song was an exercise in self-care, but it became bigger than that. This song is for anyone who feels different, left out, misunderstood, or insecure – I want you to know that the things that make you feel that way now can be the same things that can lead you to your purpose or passion, to your happiness or success.”

Be sure to tune into 100.1 FM or to hear “Shaken” by David Shaw, featured as Rev’s DJ Pick of the Week. And we want to hear your thoughts! Tweet at us with #L100DJPick and give us your take on the track! 

Written by: Madison Sharp