ELEL – Tequila


Adam here with local yokels ELEL‘s new song “Tequila” as my DJ pick of the week.

Survival brings clarity, and Ben Elkins, along with two founding members Tim Cook and Zach Tichenor, have clearly found their way forward. They’ve recorded a slew of new songs and have started to release them one by one since early 2018. Before that, the band had been quiet, after touring the country, appearing in a feature film, and riding the wave of their debut release. ELEL are now excited for their next phase- releasing and touring on new, explosively lively pop songs made during an impossible year.

Says Elkins, “When everything falls apart, you stop being careful with your art. You get messy and go out of bounds. I wanted to see what we could make if we took away the rules. It became really exciting, I had to keep going.”

Don’t miss ELEL at Lightning 100’s Paranormal Rocktivity at Marathong Music Works Oct. 27. Buy tickets here. Listen to “Tequila” below and let us know what you think!