My Own Soul’s Warning – The Killers: DJ Pick of the Week

My Own Soul's Warning Cover Art

Rev’s DJ Pick of the Week!

DJ Rev brings this week to a close with “My Own Soul’s Warning” by The Killers. The song will appear first on their soon-to-be released album, Imploding the Mirage. The album was originally suppose to release May 29th, but the group delayed it’s release indefinitely so they could finish working on it.

The Killers did an interview with The Rolling Stone, and discussed the behind the scenes of their album. “A lot of moments reminded me of making our first album, where you just know that it’s going to connect because of the way it makes you feel,” Brandon Flowers said. “I felt like that 20-year-old kid almost inventing something again.”

The track could have come straight out of an eighties movie. The strong drum and guitar create a sound that feels like a blast form the past! A couple lines read “I tried going against my own soul’s warning but in the end, something just didn’t feel right.” The song holds strong spiritual roots in it’s lyrics, and the album work is very fitting. With the blessing of artist Thomas Blackshear, The Killers were able to use a painting of his as their album cover. The painting depicts the Crow Tribe of Indians with a sunset backdrop.

Tune into 100.1 FM or to hear “My Own Soul’s Warning” by The Killers featured as Rev’s DJ Pick of the Week. We want to hear your thoughts, too! Tweet at us with #L100DJPick to tell us if we should keep spinning the record.

written by Clara Lueckenhoff