BTRC On Air: August 2021 Records of the Month


Lightning 100 is excited to present Blind Tiger Record Club On Air every other Monday following the615. Starting at 8 pm, you will hear B.T.R.C. founder, David W. Williams, and Product Manager, Rudy Newman, discuss albums released on vinyl each month. It’s a great way to be in-the-know about new releases. Check out their records of the month, spotlight albums, new store additions, and more at  

On this episode of Blind Tiger Record Club “On Air,” Williams, Newman, and Kevin Lee discuss the B.T.R.C. August Records of the Month. There are four styles represented; Singer Songwriter, Rock & Alternative, Jazz Soul & Blues, and Classics. Each album is discussed and clips of songs from the album are played. It is a great introduction to the artists and albums, and all of these albums have been released or reissued recently or will be releasing this month. It is a great introduction to the artists and albums.  All of these albums have been released or reissued recently or will be releasing this month. Here are the albums included in this episode of the Blind Tiger Record Club On Air:

Singer Songwriter – Jade Bird | Different Kinds of Light

2X LP with Gatefold Jacket

Rock & Alternative – The Wallflowers | Exit Wounds 

Ltd. Ed. Clear & Purple Splatter Vinyl

Jazz Soul & Blues – Private Space | Durand Jones & The Indications

Ltd. Ed. Red Nebula Vinyl

Classics – The Psychedelic Furs | Best Of

Ltd. Ed. 180G Black Vinyl

If you missed tonight’s episode, don’t worry! You can listen here or wherever you listen to podcasts. To sign up for the record club and receive vinyl shipped to your door each month, click here.