Stefanie Clark Harris “Walking in the Green Grass, No Shoes”-Local Artist of the Week


Our Frothy Monkey local artist of the week is Stefanie Clark Harris with her debut single “Walking in the Green Grass, No Shoes”!

If you’ve ever delved into forms of meditation, walking barefoot through the grass is one of the many. Yet, this song is arguably just as grounding. Stefanie Clark Harris is a true Americana troubadour. She left home to gallivant through the country, collecting life-enriching experiences that she weaves into peaceful narratives. These stories reflect her journey and shape her artistic voice. Propelling her songwriting forward in the emerging talent of Americana artists.

“Walking in the Green Grass, No Shoes” is a perfect song to summarize the reclose gypsy aesthetic. The verses emphasize the trivial feeling of belonging. With melodic harmonies and banjo backing “Walking in the Green Grass, No Shoes” takes you on a soulful journey. Its folk-inspired melody compliments the ongoing themes of connectivity and nature. The use of light strings and organic sound deepen the strong vocals and harmonies heard throughout; truly immersing you in a blissful listening experience. The heartfelt vocals convey both passion and vivid imagery. While listening, it is hard to resist imagining yourself frolicking carefree through the meadow.

Make sure to stay tuned for Stefanie Clark Harris’s debut album, I Belong to Me dropping this fall!

Listen below!

Tune in to 100.1 FM and all week to hear “Walking in the Green Grass, No Shoes” by Stefanie Clark Harris, our Frothy Monkey Local Artist of the Week!