Pluralone Performs “Offend,” “This Is the Show,” and More! – Live from the Studio


Today Pluralone (aka Josh Klinghoffer) stops by the studio to hang out with us! While here, Pluralone performs “Offend”, “This Is the Show”, and more live on the air.

Pluralone is no rookie to the stage. You probably know him best from the his time in the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He was the lead guitarist for the band for 10 years, and is decided venturing out on his own. He also spent some time in Pearl Jam. Pluralone’s third, and most recent, album “This Is The Show” was released in March. While in the studio, he explained that this was his outlet to get out of his comfort zone. Klinghoffer says that while he is a one man band the Pluralone is a collaborative effort.

He broke in a new guitar, talked all about his love of Pearl Jam, and his journey on finding time for this project. Klinghoffer cites that originally Pluralone was somewhat of an afterthought, but due to the pandemic it gave him the opportunity to invest the time. Pluralone is currently on tour with Pearl Jam. His act is just him, a guitar, and a mic on stage “performing songs no one has heard of.” The tour stops at Bridgestone Arena, and finishes out by then end of this month!

Pluralone performs “Offend” and “This Is The Show”, and more live from the Studio. You can watch their full performance below!