Hoptober 2022 Day 7: Creature Comforts Brewing Company — Athena and Tropicalia IPA


On this twofer Tuesday, DJ Stephanie and Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff discuss two great beers from Athens, GA’s Creature Comforts Brewing Company. The first of these two flavors, Athena, borrows from the Weißbier tradition of Germany. Specifically, Athena takes influence from the Berliner Weisse variation of Weißbier, yielding a lighter, more sour taste than other Weißbiers. In addition, Athena mixes in a hint of citrus, bringing a distinct influence from the American South into this otherwise Northern European creation.

For today’s second beer, Stephanie and Matt dive into the Tropicalia IPA, in many ways the opposite of Athena. This tropical IPA stamped out a massive influence across America’s craft beer scene, initially flying off shelves in Athens and putting Creature Comforts on the map. This IPA’s infectious blend of fruit flavors will convert even the most staunchly anti-IPA beer drinker. As a result of Tropicalia IPA’s massive popularity, Creature Comforts Brewing Company increasingly appears alongside existing craft favorites on Nashville’s bars, so make sure to keep an eye out for this up-and-coming company’s presence in Music City!

Hoptober Brews
 is brought to you by Rhizome Productions, Lipman Brothers & Lightning 100. Tune in every weekday at 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m from Oct. 3-14 for Lightning 100’s Hoptober Brews​. You can always check out previous picks and keep up with upcoming episodes here!