Illicit Ghost — “Higher”: Local Artist of the Week


This week’s Frothy Monkey Local Artist of the week is producer, violinist, and pop musician, Illicit Ghost. We’ll be playing her track “Higher!”

Illicit Ghost is a local artist with originally from New York City. Her songs are melodic extensions of emotional strength detailing instances of self-love and mental health. Her passion for music and mental health lead the artist to create an Instagram live show, “Anti-Anxiety Hour,” in 2020. As an active community member and artist of many hats, Illicit Ghost is an admirable figure on the horizon.

“Higher” is an energetic indie-pop track that celebrates the new feelings relationships can bring. It is a reflection of the emotions that surface when someone discovers a person they cannot live without. The song begins with a steady building guitar rhythm and compelling drums. Quickly, the chorus creates a euphoric collision with additional guitar layers and large dynamic vocals. The focal point of the song, “You take me higher than I want to go,” captures the range of emotions that this individual brings about. Lyrically it depicts the moment of breaking through an emotional barrier and experiencing certain feelings for the first time. She hopes the song can inspire her audience to live in the moment and propel the belief that humans are worthy of love.

“Higher” is an essential track for the hopeful indie-pop listener.

Tune in to 100.1 FM and all week to hear “Higher” by Illicit Ghost, our Frothy Monkey Local Artist of the Week.