The Technicolors- “Nightvisions”: ONErpm Hitmaker Alert

The Technicolors

The Technicolors bring forward a psychedelic punk rock vibe with their newest release, “Nightvisions”. The band includes Brennan Smiley, and Sean Silverman on guitar and vocals, Troy Lowney on keys, and Mike “Nico” Nicolette on bass. In an interview with MusicCrowns, Brennan shares, “it’s sort of a cacophony of synthetic city lights and moonlit escapism and it definitely tells more of a story than originally intended, which seems to be a common theme.”

“Nightvisions” has caught the right kind of attention, earning a highlight for this weeks Hitmaker Alert! The Technicolors started as a project of Brennan Smiley’s, and they’ve been rolling with it ever since.

The Technicolors first made their debut in Arizona in 2012, and they’ve shown nothing but momentum since. Creating critically-praised singles, including: Space Cadet, Tonight You Are Mine, Neon Roses, and Songbird. The band’s groovy alt-rock approach holds an appeal for many listeners. With a story revealing new details each listen, The Technicolors are a band difficult to grow tired of.

Excited for a chance to hear Nightvisions? Just keep your dials at 100.1FM. Or head over to to catch the band The Technicolors, chosen as this weekend’s #ONErpmHitmaker. Tweet us at @Lightning100, and give us your take on The Technicolors’ latest!