Brews, Homestyle: Episode 9

Monday Night Brewing Lundi IPA

Monday Night Brewing Lundi IPA

As the series end draws near, Matt & Jayson have a beer that’s quintessential to up your game while staying safe at home. Taking their taste buds to Atlanta, Georgia’s Monday Night Brewing, in this episode they try the Lundi IPA, an Indian Pale Ale. Pouring a slightly hazy royal yellow, Lundi has overwhelming aromas of fresh citrus. The first sip is juicy with a pleasant sweetness, thanks to the malt backbone of Pilsner, oats, and wheat. It squeezes in all the tangerine and grapefruit characteristics of Mosaic, Simcoe, and El Dorado hops, but with less of the bitterness commonly associated with bold IPAs.

Lightning 100’s Brews, Homestyle Edition is brewed up by Rhizome Productions,  Lipman Brothers. & Lightning 100.