Terrapin “Los Bravos” – Brews In Bloom 2021


It’s hump day, baby! Although we’re a day late for Taco Tuesday, The Terrapin “Los Bravos” is a Mexican-style lager that we could drink just about any day of the week. Employing three different varieties of hops, it’s crisp and balanced. It’s the perfect complement to any spicy dish and guaranteed to keep any fiesta fueled.

Jayson joined Matt Leff of Rhizome Productions to welcome Spike Buckowski, founder and brewmaster at Terrapin Beer Company in Athens, Georgia. We’ll be back tomorrow with another great springtime brew, but until then, check out the full video below. You can also catch our interviews live on the radio at 6:30am weekdays with a replay at 6:30pm. Salud!