Hoptober 2020 Day 7: Hi-Wire Festbier & Hi-Wire Blackberry Limeade Sour Session Ale


We’re back with another two for Tuesday on day 7 of Hoptober! In today’s episode, DJ Jayson sits down with Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff and they discuss two great beers from Hi-Wire Brewing. Hi-Wire is based out of Asheville, NC, where they have two brewery locations. They also have a few taprooms throughout North Carolina and Tennessee, including one in Knoxville.

The first Hi-Wire brew we’re trying today is another Festbier. Hi-Wire uses a locally malted grain to make their crisp and easy to drink Festbier. In the wise words of Matt, it tastes like a loaf of bread in the best way. It’s a smooth lager that comes in a four pack of sleek 16 ounce cans with an ABV of 5.8%. It’s a seasonal beer with a limited supply, we suggest you grab this one while you can! 

The second beer for today’s episode comes from Hi-Wire’s Sour Session Ales series. This one is their Blackberry Limeade Sour. It’s a tart session ale, clocking in at only 4.2% ABV. It’s brewed with blackberries and limes, hence the name, giving it a little bit of a purple tint. The Blackberry Limeade Sour Session Ale is crisp and refreshing. It’s sour but not overwhelmingly tart. This one is perfect for those unseasonably warm fall days we sometimes get here in Nashville! 

This Hoptober, we have a special prize package for you! The pack includes a Cigar City cornhole set, a Hi-Wire can cooler, and many other goodies from some of the other Hoptober breweries. As long as you are 21 or older, you can sign up here for a chance to win!

Hi-Wire Brewing has a brew for every beer lover. Whether you’re looking for a malty and traditional Festbier or something a little sour and fruity, they’ve got you covered! If you can’t find one of these two tasty brews in store, Hi-Wire has a purchase option on their website and they can ship it straight to you.

Looking for more suggestions? Tune in to Lightning 100 at 100.1FM tomorrow at 6:30am (or for the replay at 6:30pm) for Wednesday’s episode of Hoptober!