Hoptober 2020 Day 9: Yazoo Pepe Cinnamon Milk Stout


It’s Thursday on this episode of Hoptober! Today, DJ Jayson and Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff taste and talk about the seasonal brew from Nashville’s own Yazoo Brewing, the Pepe Cinnamon Milk Stout. This brew tastes like fall in a can, immediately you are hit with notes of cinnamon and spice along with a slightly creamy texture. Even though this beer contains lactose and oats, the lactose is not overpowering like some milk stout brews. 

Yazoo Cinamon Milk Stout
Yazoo Cinamon Milk Stout

This is the perfect pairing for a cold fall night by the fire. You can even go to Yazoo brewing in Madison, Tenessee for a fresh-tasting and in-depth look at the process behind these delicious local creations. Yazoo is no stranger to our All Things Brews series, and they are even working with Rhizome productions to create some amazing virtual beer events. Be on the lookout for more of these throughout the rest of the year! 

This beer is available at any local grocer and of course, it is available directly from Yazoo. Also, be sure to check out the special prize package giveaway! The pack includes a Cigar City cornhole set, a Hi-Wire can cooler, and many other goodies from some of the other Hoptober breweries. As long as you are 21 or older, you can sign up here for a chance to win!

Keep an eye out for Yazoo Pepe Cinnamon Milk Stout around Nashville. Looking for more suggestions? Tune in to Lightning 100 at 100.1FM tomorrow at 6:30 am (or for the replay at 6:30 pm) for Wednesday’s episode of Hoptober!

Written by: Madison Sharp