Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 10: The Versatility of Grilling
The finale of this sizzling series has arrived! Casey welcomes butchers, Chris and James, from Porter Road one last time to share their insight...
GRAND OPENING of Harvest – Interview with Gary Chapman – Local Business Spotlight
Gary Chapman Director of Community Outreach for LabCanna stopped by the station to chat with Casey about a grand opening that took place this...
Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 9: Cuts for the Crowd
Gearing up to host the hungry masses? Chris and James are here to help you prepare for a group, with great ideas of how...
Judy Blank – Goldmine
Casey here with my DJ pick of the week from Americana singer, songwriter Judy Blank. Nashville by way of the Netherlands, she’s performed with...
Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 8: How to Grill Sausages
Chris and James from Porter Road Butcher are back in the station, working with Casey on this week's episode of Porter Road Butcher: On...
Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 7: The Right Tools for the Job
Save your arm hair and invest in some simple, long tongs, say grill experts James and Chris from Porter Road Butcher! On this Episode...
Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 6: Intimidation Around Grilling
Big fires, sharp knives, and lots of raw meat! Grilling can get a little intimidating if you don't know what you're doing, there's always...
Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 5: After You Grill
As we prepare for the weekend here at Lightning 100, grills are getting lit all over town. After five days with Chris and James...
Roots Of A Rebellion – I Live In Light
Casey here with my DJ pick of the week from Nashville jam band Roots Of A Rebellion. The local six-piece finds a to eloquently...
Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 4: Tips and Tricks While On The Grill
Casey, Chris, and James are back with some tips and tricks that will help you out this grilling season!
In this episode, you can learn...
Grilling with Porter Road Butcher- Episode 3: Before You Get Grilling
If you flip your roasts with a meat fork, beware! You are about to get roasted in this edition of Grilling with Porter Road...
Grilling With Porter Road- Ep.2: Best Cuts for the Grill
We're Back with another installment of grilling with Porter Road - your guide to summer roasting. On this episode Chris & James heat...