The Civil Wars perform “Barton Hallow” and “Falling” in the Lightning...

Video and audio of The Civil Wars performing and being interviewed in the Lightning 100 studio.

World Famous Three Hour Turkey!!!

3-hour turkey by Roberta Buckley on Monday, November 23, 2009 at 8:45am This method of cooking the turkey is from the San Francisco Fire Department in...

Mumford & Sons photos

%CODE1% Memphis in May 2011 Photography by Brian Waters

Elenowen performs Head to My Heart and Blood and Bones [video]

Nashville based duo, Elenowen, visited the Lightning 100 studio before their debut headlining performance at Nashville Sunday Night.  Do you recognize this duo?  You...

Music City Mayhem Champ is…

Thanks for joining us for the third year of Mayhem! We packed out Exit/In for a chose match between Eastern Block, Ravello, The...