Hoptober 2021 Day 9: Ommegang Brewery – Three Philosophers Double Chocolate
Welcome back! On today's Hoptober episode, Jayson and Matt discuss the Three Philosophers Double Chocolate Belgian-style quadruple, brought to your glasses from Ommegang Brewery! Presented...
the615 – 10/25/21
This week on the615 Casey brings another full length album premiere. Be sure to check out Phillip-Michael Scales's debut record "Sinner-Songwriter" this Friday....
Hoptober 2021 Day 7: Left Hand Brewing Co. – White Russian...
Happy Tuesday and welcome back to day 7 of Hoptober 2021! DJ Jayson is joined by Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff today to taste Left Hand Brewing...
615 Saturday – 10/23/21
Spooky Szn is still upon us and Frightening Casey is here to tell you another creepy Tennessee tale. You'll also hear tracks from Dreamer...
Hoptober 2021 Day 6: Ceria Brewing Co. Grainwave
Can you believe we're already halfway through Hoptober 2021? To kick off this week, we've got a non-alcoholic beer from Ceria Brewing Co. DJ Jayson and Rhizome...
Music Business Radio: Shelby Kennedy
This week award winning songwriter and industry executive, Shelby Kennedy, joins us to talk about his career - from getting his first cut while...
Hoptober 2021 Day 5: Stone & Deschutes Brewery-Let’s Bee Homies
It's day five of Hoptober and things are brewing along nicely! Let's Bee Homies is the focus for Matt and Jayson for the finale...
Turnip Green Creative Reuse – Community Corner
This week Turnip Green Creative Reuse has caught Lightning 100's attention! This local non-profit has found quite a creative solution for landfill waste that...
Hoptober 2021 Day 4: Harpoon Brewery – Flannel Friday
It might be Thursday, but today’s episode of Hoptober features a brew from Harpoon Brewery called Flannel Friday! DJ Jayson and Rhizome Productions' Matt Leff...
Hoptober 2021 Day 3: Oskar Blues – Death By Coconut
Happy Wednesday everyone! Today’s episode of Hoptober with DJ Jayson and Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff features a dark brew from Oskar Blues. Oskar Blues is a...
the615 – 10/18/21
This week on the615 Casey introduces Amanda Shires as our new Local Artist of the Week. You'll also hear tracks from Margo Price, Daniel...
BTRC On Air: October 2021 Spotlight Album and New Store Additions
Lightning 100 is excited to present Blind Tiger Record Club On Air every other Monday following the615. Starting at 8 pm, you will hear B.T.R.C. founder, David...
Hoptober 2021 Day 2: Rothaus-Brau Eiszapfle
We are back for day two of Hoptober with another international brew! On today’s episode, DJ Jayson is joined by Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff...
615 Saturday – 10/16/21
Learn a bit about the Bell Witch from Casey on this week's episode of 615 Saturday. You'll also hear tracks from Erin Rae, Trent...
Hoptober 2021: Paulaner – Oktoberfest Bier
Oktoberfest might be cancelled in practice, but in spirit it's just as celebrated as ever! To kick off this year's rather unorthodox 2021 Oktoberfest,...
Music Business Radio: Ghostwriter Music
This week, we talk with Ghostwriter Music Group CEO, Chris Bragg, and COO, Travis Michaud. With offices in LA and Nashville, Ghostwriter is a...
the615 – 10/11/21
On this week's episode of the615 Casey introduces Local Artist of the Week, Brandy Zdan! You'll also hear tracks rom Parker Millsap, The Foxies,...
615 Saturday – 10/9/21
Casey's fun Nashville fact of the week has unfortunately gone missing (that's spooky szn for you), but at least we still have 615 Saturday....
Music Business Radio: Kristen Merlin
This week on MBR we talk with artist/singer-songwriter, Kristen Merlin. She first gained recognition on NBC’s The Voice and is now gaining more fans and accolades as she...
Nashville Tree Foundation: Community Corner
The Nashville Tree Foundation (NTF) is the focus for this week's Community Corner! Since planting season kicked off at the beginning of this month,...