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Archived audio from the Lightning 100 vault, from interviews to exclusive live performances recorded in the Lightning 100 studio.

Three Philosophers Double Chocolate

Hoptober 2021 Day 9: Ommegang Brewery – Three Philosophers Double Chocolate

Welcome back! On today's Hoptober episode, Jayson and Matt discuss the Three Philosophers Double Chocolate Belgian-style quadruple, brought to your glasses from Ommegang Brewery! Presented...

the615 – 10/25/21

This week on the615 Casey brings another full length album premiere. Be sure to check out Phillip-Michael Scales's debut record "Sinner-Songwriter" this Friday....

Hoptober 2021 Day 7: Left Hand Brewing Co. – White Russian...

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to day 7 of Hoptober 2021! DJ Jayson is joined by Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff today to taste Left Hand Brewing...

615 Saturday – 10/23/21

Spooky Szn is still upon us and Frightening Casey is here to tell you another creepy Tennessee tale. You'll also hear tracks from Dreamer...

Hoptober 2021 Day 6: Ceria Brewing Co. Grainwave

Can you believe we're already halfway through Hoptober 2021? To kick off this week, we've got a non-alcoholic beer from Ceria Brewing Co. DJ Jayson and Rhizome...

Music Business Radio: Shelby Kennedy

This week award winning songwriter and industry executive, Shelby Kennedy, joins us to talk about his career - from getting his first cut while...
Let's Bee Homies

Hoptober 2021 Day 5: Stone & Deschutes Brewery-Let’s Bee Homies

It's day five of Hoptober and things are brewing along nicely! Let's Bee Homies is the focus for Matt and Jayson for the finale...
Turnip Green

Turnip Green Creative Reuse – Community Corner

This week Turnip Green Creative Reuse has caught Lightning 100's attention! This local non-profit has found quite a creative solution for landfill waste that...
Harpoon Flannel Friday

Hoptober 2021 Day 4: Harpoon Brewery – Flannel Friday

It might be Thursday, but today’s episode of Hoptober features a brew from Harpoon Brewery called Flannel Friday! DJ Jayson and Rhizome Productions' Matt Leff...

Hoptober 2021 Day 3: Oskar Blues – Death By Coconut

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today’s episode of Hoptober with DJ Jayson and Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff features a dark brew from Oskar Blues. Oskar Blues is a...

the615 – 10/18/21

This week on the615 Casey introduces Amanda Shires as our new Local Artist of the Week. You'll also hear tracks from Margo Price, Daniel...

BTRC On Air: October 2021 Spotlight Album and New Store Additions

Lightning 100 is excited to present Blind Tiger Record Club On Air every other Monday following the615. Starting at 8 pm, you will hear B.T.R.C. founder, David...

Hoptober 2021 Day 2: Rothaus-Brau Eiszapfle

We are back for day two of Hoptober with another international brew! On today’s episode, DJ Jayson is joined by Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff...

615 Saturday – 10/16/21

Learn a bit about the Bell Witch from Casey on this week's episode of 615 Saturday. You'll also hear tracks from Erin Rae, Trent...

Hoptober 2021: Paulaner – Oktoberfest Bier

Oktoberfest might be cancelled in practice, but in spirit it's just as celebrated as ever! To kick off this year's rather unorthodox 2021 Oktoberfest,...

Music Business Radio: Ghostwriter Music

This week, we talk with Ghostwriter Music Group CEO, Chris Bragg, and COO, Travis Michaud. With offices in LA and Nashville, Ghostwriter is a...

the615 – 10/11/21

On this week's episode of the615 Casey introduces Local Artist of the Week, Brandy Zdan! You'll also hear tracks rom Parker Millsap, The Foxies,...

615 Saturday – 10/9/21

Casey's fun Nashville fact of the week has unfortunately gone missing (that's spooky szn for you), but at least we still have 615 Saturday....

Music Business Radio: Kristen Merlin

This week on MBR we talk with artist/singer-songwriter, Kristen Merlin. She first gained recognition on NBC’s The Voice and is now gaining more fans and accolades as she...
Nashville Tree Foundation

Nashville Tree Foundation: Community Corner

The Nashville Tree Foundation (NTF) is the focus for this week's Community Corner! Since planting season kicked off at the beginning of this month,...